
Summer kick-off ​pool party June 1st

Let’s kick off the summer the best ​way possible! With a pool party of ​course!

VBS Week

June 3rd-7​th

Student are encouraged to be apart ​of this event where many kids will ​come to know Jesus as their lord and ​savior.

Poolside Bible ​Study

June 5th

Let’s dive into the Word of God ​before we dive into the pool!

Poolside Bible Study

june 12th​

Let’s dive into the Word of God ​before we dive into the pool!

Dwell Camp

June 13-17 $$

The best week of the year! Enough ​said!

Poolside bible ​study June 19

Let’s dive into the Word of God ​before we dive into the pool!

Poolside bible ​study June 26

Let’s dive into the Word of God ​before we dive into the pool!

Serving w/ ​Ourcalling june ​29th

A day partnering with OurCalling to ​mi​nister to the homeless in Dallas.


poolside bible ​study July 10th

Let’s dive into the Word of God ​before we dive into the pool!

RoughRiders ​baseball game July ​11th $$

Join us for a night of baseball at ​Riders Field!

Launchbox July ​15th-19th $$

A week in Richardson working with ​internationals and refugees with the ​hope of learning and sharing the ​Gospe​l.

Lake day July 24th ​$$

Join us for the entire day as we go to ​the Lake!

Last poolside bible ​study of the ​summer July 31st

Let’s dive into the Word of God ​before we dive into the pool!


MIX56 august 3rd ​(Middle school ​Only) $$

Help us welcome in the new 6th ​grade students!





